Tuesday, May 3, 2011

burning the candle

Burning the candle

Up and into the grind, staying up too late trying to escape the grind.

Burning the candle at both ends. Shortening the life of that candle as it (now) quickly oxidizes into the night. If you go to hard you’ll be lucky to last through the witching hour.

Then there’s the flame thrower approach. Go hard, go fast and burn through your wax like a roman candle.

And that’s just life in modern times. Disease, obesity, chronic fatigue, depression, unwellness, a shortened life span.

As we oxidize and destroy the body we must endeavour to repair and prolong the flesh.

The problem with fuel;

The human machine uses food calories for fuel. Good food = good calories. Unfortunately for us even good food is nauseously over processed in these times. The most common food choices made by many is habitually unhealthy; cereals, McDonalds, pizza, TV dinners , weight watchers, etc.


What are you eating? McDonalds? Big Mac and fries? What nutrients are in this meal? None? Lots of toxic calories but zero nutrients. So what’s the alternative. Get some ground beef ( hell have some fun, get some ground buffalo) and make your own burgers. Stack up the veggies. You could have a hamburger patty with salad. You’ve got the big mac minus the bread. Lots of protein, phytochemicals, antioxidants, fibre. Instead of fries how about some carrot sticks or beetroot?

Nothing bad there at all and its not that far removed emotionally from the big mac and fries.

KISS: keep it simple stan;

You don’t need to get a degree in diet and nutrition. Just learn a little bit about what foods belong to which macronutrient group. Don’t eat things from packages.

The problem with hydration;

We like what tastes good. What taste good is sugar. So the powers that be have infused our liquid intake with sugar to get us to buy their products. They’ve taken our precious, life giving water and filled it with poison. No wonder we have health issues and obesity. Want to add 5 years to your life instantly? Stop drinking anything except water. Stop right now.

The problem with rest;

I guarantee, you don’t get enough! Not only do you need to relax, you need to sleep. The taxation upon the human body physically and mentally from lack of sleep is intense. We as a species are so blessed to be able to push and push and continue to function and adapt, but lack of sleep is a slow, sure, killer. As an animal designed to function during daylight hours we sure do spend a lot of time creeping around after dark, and that drains us. It wears us out physically, mentally and emotionally. Gonna have to discipline yourself. Don’t stay up watching the late late late show . Come home instead of staying out all night with your friends. Get some daytime friends. Make yourself go to bed at a descent hour. Count backwards from rising time. Learn to cat nap. And here’s the trick to catnapping. Close your eyes but not your senses. What in hells kitchen do I mean by that. Close your eyes, relax, let your mind drift, but don’t let yourself drift off to sleep. Maintain an awareness of your environment, without allowing your thoughts to become focused. Just 20 min.


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