Monday, January 9, 2012


the news today: police officer suffers heart attack after training run!
well, why?

the coroner reckons that police officers should look into participation in a fitness program.
i could cry.
I've spent time and energy trying to get the local constablery interested in coming down to the gym. The treadmill in the police gym and few 15 min. talk sessions with a heavy bag twice a week aren't going to get anyone in shape let alone in shape to chase down a perp after spending the last 6 hours sitting in your cruiser.

innappropriate sleeping paterns and junkfood diets are just icing on the cake for a body wide meltdown.
cops should be spending a lot of time on the road and hills and over the obastacle course.
3 days a week with a heavy push pull routine and attention to diet. Eating foods that aren't going to kill you.

like I always say, you should be able to put down your fork and wrestle with the kids or the dog or an orangatang.
i get really aggrivated when stories like this come out. I'm right here. Its worth your while to see me. I've been there. I've seen the police getting dominated by the unrighteous.
cops need to train and train hard.
as funny as it may seem , you'd think cops would have that mentality. hard men and women. going hard. but it doesn't seem to be that way.
please. look me up. i will help you live longer, stronger, healthier.

been a while

its been awhile since i've written here, i've been sidetracked but its a new year so lets have a new start and see what happens.
i've just got in from a great end of year/begining of year tour, and while on tour i had meant to train. get stuck into my running and train with whatever nature provided.
but i didn't. i rested when i wasn't working. which meant very little rest, however, my body broke from its routine and recouperated a bit. it needed the layoff although it was only a 2 weeks. it was two weeks away from any real training protocals.
sometimes you just need a break.
in the past , at christmas, all the gym bunnies were looking for their new place to train for the christmas period. buying temporary memberships at various other gyms, while i always took the time off. i figured it was the only rest i was getting all year. this tour reminded me of that old habit. its good to rest sometimes.