Wednesday, March 9, 2011

kids in

I was inundated by a savage horde of comanche yesterday.
But thats great.
The neighbors kids came flooding through the door ( I have a busy neighbor) while I had some down time.
and I mean GREAT!
Its so cool that these kids came down and had a great time. They were laughing and playing and jumping around. They were running from every weight and kettlebell and foam roller and trying to pick them up and inventing games to play.
They swung off the rings and ropes and jumped onto and off of the mats.
They had fun
and that fun was contagious. Even my teenager couldn't help but smile and almost laughed.
shouldn't you be showing up at your work outs more like that?

I know , I for one am way serious and maybe way too serious too often when i'm with clients and especially training myself.
(and i've been just where that kitten is)
I think you should be serious in the gym or with your training, but it should be fun as well.
thats why I often try to get away from the gym and train out side.
Those kids were doing full body functional workouts with plyometrics, and they were having a blast

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

easy come easy go

Easy come, Easy go.
If its easy, chances are its not doing anything for you.
(I'm talking exercise and fitness here )
If your sitting down, its not doing much for you.
If your watching TV, then you're not training.
Watching TV won't get you a Hollywood body or magazine cover physique.
Want a movie star physique in 3 min. Not likely
because i love ya'
3 min pushing a car up a slight incline, no stop,no rest, no catching your breath, push, push, push. Hell, its only 3 min.

3 min alternating between pushups and pull ups. non stop. pushup 1 push up 2 push up 3 till you hit 10 then pullups, then push ups then pull ups. whats wrong with you. hell its only 3 min. do you want a hollywood body. do you..

3 min squat. no! not deep knee bends. step under a bar and squat. what did you squat during your last workout ? what is your 10 rep max? step under some weight and squat for 3 min. do not rack the bar do not give up. cry if you like, but squat. squat. squat. not easy and it will stay with you for a long time.

3 min sand bag cleans. one bag, various bags different weights, 3 min. hard work. no talking. no txting. clean, drop, clean, drop, clean, drop.......3 min. hoo yah

3 min hill sprints. sprint up, quickly walk down, sprint up.

there's something for you to do everyday of the week. won't take long. only 3 min. (just like the infomercial says, but its hard work, something that will benefit you, and hold you in good stead physically and mentally)

3 min. Only 3 min. Not easy, not sitting on your @$$ or kneeling on your swiss ball or laying on your abvoulizer 2000, but a hard 3 min. I guarantee will put you closer to any goals, greek statues or otherwise, that you may have.

no more 2 a.m. infolies. shouldn't you be sleeping and recovering at that hour anyway??

Monday, March 7, 2011

desperate for skinny

So many people are desperate to lose weight !
I'd venture to say 90% of commercial gym members are there to lose weight.
Desperate to lose weight to the point of despair.
Time after time for the last five decades and more, society has shown that for the regular person, the non-athlete, that diets don't work.
dieting by Numbers won't work
dieting by food types wont work
dieting by restriction won't work.
dieting by starvation won't work.
Lets face facts, most diets are starvation diets. Starving works. If you starve, you'll lose weight. Until you begin to eat again, then you'll rebound to a heavier weight than you started with.
diets don't work.
there is no 3 min easy way out.
change your mind
change your though process
Rewire your thinking and your way of doing.
If you want to lose weight (permanently)-change your mental outlook-change your eating habits-change your life style.
eat healthy foods.
If it comes in a package; if you have to 'open' it, its not healthy.
eat small portions often
every time you eat or drink, think to yourself, 'what nutrients am i about to put into my body?'
if its not protein and its not nutrients and its not water, you shouldn't put it into your body (if you want to lose weight). Sugar Is Not a Nutrient.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


So, like I said.
know when to take it easy and know when to go hard.
yesterday I took it easy. Today I went hard!
I made my PR in the floor press. When I look over my training for the last 4 years it wasn't a PR, but for the last year or so it is.
after that I hit the remainder of the session hard (too) and it was a great session.
Sometimes you have to take a break or you will break.
When you take a break come back strong.

(no those are not MY feet)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

gad zooks

gad zooks I say as I crawl out from under my floor press, my oh my but that was heavy.
gad zooks I say as I crawl out from under my floor press a second time. It hasn't gotten lighter. Today I have a funny feeling it won't.
Now this is where I usually say, lets evaluate and adjust; what else can i do? Do I drop the weight and rep out? On a floor press; nah. I mean, this is one exercise just made to go heavy!! Roll over and do a heap of weighted pushups? yeah buddy, now you're talkin'.
Except today something usually light feels like a ton. Lets evaluate. Am i fed? Am i rested? Am I in the proper mental state? Am I hydrated? Is my central nervous system fried?

Lets adjust. I've had enough. As much as i love training i think this time I'll be smart and take a day off. Rest myself and let my body recuperate a bit.
I'm a big time ego lifter so this is really a huge deal for me.

I'd love to adjust my routine and pore out a bunch of push ups and then hit some skull busters and as groovy as that would be, this time, i don't think it would be smart.
You must give your body and mind a chance to rest when its needed (instinctive training)or (very well thought out planning)
so long as a day off doesn't become a week that stretches into a month that becomes the habit .
When your body and mind are getting beat up then they need a break.
I'm sure, positive, because reality is your perception of information, that those poundage's will be, not feel, but will be lighter tomorrow.
I'll be back tomorrow and I'll crawl under that floor press again and I'll set a PR.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

ranting on ab machines

does this look like a Giger chair or what. i mean a kiddie version but.....well, maybe not...
Gigers chair probably isn't very comfortable after awhile, like sitting in the church pew of an old Virginia church during a July, hellfire and brimstone, Sunday morning service.
funny how i see these new ab miracle machines almost daily on the boob tube. every new version is easier and requires less effort and less time than its predecessor.
Don't you think these things would be more at home in the adult shop??

i get pissed off when i hear about making exercise easy. It reminds me of those early sci fi stories where your dinner comes in the form of a pill. ( amino acid supplements anyone?) How much change are you going to affect if you always take the easy option. In my gym we are always trying to make exercise harder and guess what, we get stronger, better conditioned, better balanced and better aesthetics. ( aesthetics is my fancy way to say look better naked)
I love the ab circle xxx, i just cant see where you're going to get much of an ab training session in (in it). I think every man should buy one for his wife, you know for when the kids are away....
but exercise, really??
do yourself a favour, grab a bag of dog food (one of those big bags) and go for a two mile walk ( 8 times around the track) and never put the bag down. i gar,on,tee you will burn more calories and fat than you will on your 3 min ab circle workout or your 20 min ab circle workout.
The idea behind these toys is the same old unfunctional hypothesis behind doing 2000 crunches a day. work the abs and the abs will get skinny, but that hypothesis is bad science.
fat doesn't disappear from the spot you train, it disappears from everywhere concurrently. you want to burn calories to burn fat through exercise. you're better off cleaning and pressing a sand bag (oh, or a dog food bag, one of those big ones) for 20 reps. If it takes you 3 min great, if it takes 5 min great, if it takes 20 min. who care, but it better be hard. if its not hard, if you're not struggling, huffing and puffing you should have just stayed on the couch watching the ab machine masturbater commercial.