a bit more of a rant this time

i love sharing my training knowledge. i'm one of those guys who's mind is constantly on how to enhance current training or fix physiological problems. i walk down the road and see an interesting natural geographical configuration and my brain floods with ideas about how i can use that phenominon to break away from conventional training but still generate amazing results by going back to basics with the environment i find myself surrounded by.
it really gets under my skin if i ask a client to try something and they refuse because its awkward for them. if something is awkward, then its probably exactly what you need. easy stuff, things that you already excell at you can do on your own and won't give you as much of a training stimulous. thats why you hire me, to get the best out of you so why would a client shirk whats asked of him. your paying me for my knowledge and experience so when i give it to you don't ignore it. At PRIOMORDIAL ATHLETICS hard work is one of the biggest requirements. i'm generous to a fault and will go above and beyond to help you (because i love this stuff and get a huge kick out of seeing you succede) but you've got to bring in the effort.
if somethings are unusuall and embarassing because they are not what your used to seeing in the traditional chromeplated machine loaded gyms, well, i'm usually the first one down there with you doing the exercise; because it works. If you feel awkward because you're not already proficient in the movement, well, work at getting proficient at it, so we can move on to the next thing that your not so great at and watch your athleticism grow and improve.
if you truly desire to become great then it won't matter what onlookers think, how will you get better than the crowd if you do the same as the crowd. leaving your comfort zone builds character; mentally and physically.
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