most people don't bother with a journal/diary. they just come into the gym and go through their routine. usually the latest routine from which ever periodical they follow.
A training journal has a very important purpose for the trainer though. It allows you to keep an accurate record of where you've been.
well, it eliminates the guess work. you don't have to try and figure out what kind of load you need from the previous training sessions or this session because its already written down. you know the load and intensity previously used and can begin this session with a clear idea of where you are and what you need. it keeps the guess work out.
you can also keep track of nagging injuries and sore bits. if somethings been bothering you and you can see its been an issue for 3 months (because you've looked back through your journal and tracked it ) then you know, maybe, you need to have it seen too.
with a journal you can plan, you can keep an eye on your goals and monitor your progress and know if your plan (towards your goals ) needs some work.
you can also make notes about what is affecting you and where your mental and physical states are at.
with a journal you can keep track of what training sessions (and protocals ) are awesome and need to be kept within your mix and which ones are lousy and need to be left by the wayside.
keeping a journal is one of the habits of a champion.
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