squats so bad:
squats are a great exercise. if you worked them properly you could get great results just from doing them. they are a multi-jointed exercise that requires great physical adaptation to continue to improve in them (wether improvement means increasing load or increasing duration). please, squat before aerobics (tae bo, zumba, swissball balance protocal, etc. ad nosium) if you want some real metabolic changes.
so our lady of the moment tells her audience, dont let your butt go below your knees. in otherwords , quarter squats. why, thats not even a squat.
there a lots of squat variations but we will go over just a basic squat.
you want your feet to be shoulder wide or just a bit wider if that is more comfortable. feet just barely pointing out wards, then lower your body between your legs. as straight as possible. keeping your back straight. just like a baby. how many toddlers get rushed to the hospital because of bad knees from squating below parallel??????
bad squats, ouch. wow, perfect squats. no back pain no knee injury.

now heres some squats with weight, hard to argue with this one.
two lessons here, squat, squat low, squat well and beware your local tv fitness celebrity
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