sprint sessions in the gym.
now by sprint sessions i don't mean sprinting from one end of the gym to the other,

what i mean is brief but intense training sessions. well orchestrated so that your time is used most efficiently . sometimes you don't have an hour to spend at the gym and often you don't need to spend an hour at the gym (deepending on your purposes).
a well chosen series of exercise set into a streamlined circuit can give a tremendous training session, accomplished in a brief time period.
the key to this?
choosing good exercises.
i like to fit this into a 20 min slot.
i'll pick around 5 exercises and run through a circuit 4 times.
KAPOW ; 20 min done.
don't count sets and reps, watch the clock or better yet have someone watch it for you. do each exercise for 1 min.
also, there should be as much flow from one exercise to the next as you can manage.
these sessions are great for cardio workouts, metabolic training, conditioning or recovery workouts.
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