when i was a kid i used to love running and picking up heavy $#!+. when i say running, i mean running fast and long distances. if i ran, it was a sprint from start to finish. if i rode my bike, it was a sprint. have to go fast to get any air time. if another kid picked up something heavy i found something heavier to pick up. as i grew up running became a structured activity. picking up heavy stuff and working hard became a character trait.
i spent years in the gym trying to develop an awesome character full of strength and power and was moderatly successfull.
i still like running fast(ish) (even though i breath a lot harder) and picking up heavy $#!+.
now when i pick up heavy stuff its still bars and bells, but its also rocks and bags and cars and trees. and when i run its racing with the dog and the son (and he's starting to win) and its fun.
its hard work , but its fun. i don't have to do what i do,
i could sit around and drink beer, watch tv, put the kids in their room and kick the dog and be sad, but i have a good time running fast and picking up heavy stuff.
my son runs fast and picks up heavy stuff and hangs off the power rack and climbs trees and sand dunes. his pushups are coming along and as they do, so does his character. he learns to push himself, he learns not to give up, he gets the satisfaction of success and hard work.
i see a lot of kids around and they are not happy. they don't run and play and climb. they sit in front of the tv, they play video games. and when they do go out they can't keep up with an old man and his dog. instead of running over hill and over dale they're hanging at the mall buying clothes that force their muscles into poor movement paterns.
put your kids outside,
join a baseball league
a soccer league
a gymnastics team.
jog, run, climb, pick up heavy $#!+
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