is your diet scientific or is it more like science fiction, or is it so scientific that you need seven more years of advanced, applied, multi doctorated degrees to understand it let alone implement it?
For most of us diet is a four letter word and who can be blamed when we are constantly bombarded from every directrion by conflicting information from as many sources as you have late night tv channels available to you.

The truth is most of these diets will work. The sad fact is, most of these diets work along the same lines and principals as starvation.
If your starving you're depleating muscle (mass). if you depleting muscle you may get skinny, you will lose weight, but you will not be healthy and you will not have the appearnace of health or beauty. You just won't look good naked.
dieting for a six pack:
you gotta move! having said that-you have to think about what you eat. You need good sources of protien with each meal. eggs, red meat, fish, poultry. And each meal should be complimented with fruits and vegetables. And you shouldn't be drinking anything but water.
stay hungry: when you eat don't eat until your full. you should be able to leave the table and wrestle with your kid or at least throw the ball around. eating until your stuffed stretches out your stomach and intenstines even if your eating healthy.
rules to live by:
if it comes in a box-its garbage
try to eat seasonaly
eat plenty of protiens with each meal ( meat, fish, eggs, poultry)
eat a lot of fruits and vegetables
drink a lot of water
stay hungry
once you learn these rules and you habituate them, then you can begin "tweaking" your eating style and learning to "carb cycle" and what foods "burn" fat .
more eggs, less bread and lots of water.
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