i recently came across the hardgainer, compound vs isolation exercise comment on facebook. who ever asked this question recieved a bit of ridicule. most people with knowledge in the industry these days are so tired of this and similar comments that their patience can understandable run short. on the flip side, those inundated and brainwashed by the pro quo of the "fitness" industry are usually unopen to hearing, understanding or accepting the truth.
Weider and his empire, stole, canived, lied and did what ever they had to and wanted to, to make sure they were the one undisputed source of information for any part of the physical culture that involved the lifting of weights. They single handedly controled and monopolized the field for decades.
for years they were the only source of ideas and information available and their influence still dominates the thought process towards weightlifting and training of the general public.
Now the flip side of the coin is that they opened the door (through their books and media) for everyone to become exposed to the idea of physical fitness in areas not related to tennis or marathon running. . so along with the bad they did some good. However there was only one door.
Now there is a lot more information available and a lot of good coaches out there who know a bit more about real physical culture, but weiders hold on the media and cultural mindset is still strong. Its time to escape from the weiders mind control paradigm. train hard, train basic.
there is not one machine in my gym. there are 2 power racks, weights and bars, ropes and sleds and tires and bags and rocks.
if your a hard gainer, god bless you for your fast metabolism. eat more peanut butter and lift some heavy $#j!+. forget about what you've read in muscle and fiction and start investing in milo.
weiders curse has enslaved the minds of young trainers for decades, break the curse and become a free thinker.
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