Back pain runs rampant in society today and many people are limited and even disabled by it.
Hard men just keep on going with it, relegating it to the back of their mind and gritting their teeth to get through the day, but why should they endure this?
the first thing you need to know about acute back injury is, after you catch your breath, move, work.
Walk, and when you can, as soon as you can, jog. jogging activates the spinal muscles and gets them moving in a coordinated fashion that puts them in proper sinc with your bio mechanics.

Work over head. Working overhead stretches the muscles and works all the small supporting structure. You get to stretch under tension, safely. Find a house painter and do the overhead sanding for him. This is the quickest way to a cure.
Driving with back pain:
I have found that placing a soda can or coke bottle in the lower back while driving can ease a lot of driving pain.
if you live near the ocean wading chest deep in water and going for walks also has a rehabilitative effect for the back (and hips/legs)
When sleeping, try sleeping with the knees elevated.
Training the lower back after injury:
My favorite tricks for training and retraining the lower back after injury are as soon as possible start doing reverse hypers. at first don't use any weight. As soon as you get accustomed to the movement start ding the normal three sets of ten. (nothing scientific about that) After a week or so of three sets of ten move on to heavier weights with less reps .
jogging is one of the Best ways to get those spinal muscles in synchronicity. forget about everything else and go for a 10-15 minute run. You can easily handle 10-20 minutes a day without fear of overtraining or overuse.
Drugs and sleep will not heal your back . sitting or stationary standing for prolonged periods will aggravate even a healthy back. you must move. you were built to move. your body must move to be healthy and whole.
thank you. i have had people tell me i shouldn't be running (jogging) b/c of my back issues. i've figured out it doesn't cause more pain, so it's obviously not causing damage right?