Sunday, November 25, 2012

the sad truth about diet

the truth about diets is that they work, until, you relapse.
anytime you cut calories there's going to be some reduction in mass.

the source of your calories determines the type of mass you maintain, gain or lose!
in other words your macro nutrient ratio is what you need to be paying attention to.

you want to be loseing fat not muscle.
if all you're taking in is carbohydrates (hello vegans) then you are going to suffer from a plythora of vitamin, mineral & amino acid deficincies.

sugar, flour, bread, pasta, rice, syrup, jam, = energy.
if you take in more energy than you burn up, then you will have greater mass.

traditional vegetables/fruits = energy, fibre, minerals, vitamins
break fluid, transmission fluid, battery

steak, lobster, salmon, chicken, = building blocks, muscle, immune system

walnuts, olives, fats of anykind = bridges and communication.
oil, electrical transmission

the number one way to lose weight and harden up is the way thats been around for 100s of years. cut the carbs. i garantee, you are way overconsuming carbs (unless you are a competitive bodybuilder).

its hard to get too much protien. really hard. and if you keep your fats congruent with your protien then they will be under control.

the biggest lie on the world public is drop fat to get lean. want to be lean and muscular drop the carbs and manipulate the protiens.

the best results my clients get are by
not eating bread
not eating pizza
not eating cookies
not eating ice cream
not eating pasta
not eating canned meat

by eating more eggs

the newest trend (fad) in dieting seems to be the intermitten fasting bug.
i don't know why they call it that (yes i do but) its really just skipping breakfast and having a late lunch.

guess what, this diet has you cutting calories, just like any other diet.

i do like a lot about this eating style and there is a lot there for those that want to search it out and experiment.

it has several names, mostly paleo, warrior diet, renegade diet, etc. all have good ideas and bear some research just to further your knowledge but at the end of the day the keys to weight control are:
(bugs, high protien is always on the menu)

don't eat if your not hungry.
eat slow
when your not hungry stop eating
keep your sugar and flour stuff to a minimum
(actually just don't eat sugar, hell, its poison)
sit down away from the tv or computer to eat.

let me break it down simpler ( KISS right)
hungry eat
not hungry don't eat.

people want diets so they dont have to think,
just follow the rules of the diet, but the rules are many and complicated
so here's a diet with 2 rules.
hungry eat meat or eggs
not hungry- dont eat

stick with that for 2 weeks .
eat like a bear

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