If its easy, chances are its not doing anything for you.
(I'm talking exercise and fitness here )
If your sitting down, its not doing much for you.
If your watching TV, then you're not training.
Watching TV won't get you a Hollywood body or magazine cover physique.
Want a movie star physique in 3 min. Not likely
because i love ya'
3 min alternating between pushups and pull ups. non stop. pushup 1 push up 2 push up 3 till you hit 10 then pullups, then push ups then pull ups. whats wrong with you. hell its only 3 min. do you want a hollywood body. do you..
3 min squat. no! not deep knee bends. step under a bar and squat. what did you squat during your last workout ? what is your 10 rep max? step under some weight and squat for 3 min. do not rack the bar do not give up. cry if you like, but squat. squat. squat. not easy and it will stay with you for a long time.
3 min sand bag cleans. one bag, various bags different weights, 3 min. hard work. no talking. no txting. clean, drop, clean, drop, clean, drop.......3 min. hoo yah
3 min hill sprints. sprint up, quickly walk down, sprint up.
there's something for you to do everyday of the week. won't take long. only 3 min. (just like the infomercial says, but its hard work, something that will benefit you, and hold you in good stead physically and mentally)

no more 2 a.m. infolies. shouldn't you be sleeping and recovering at that hour anyway??
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