So we've addressed shorter (but effective) training sessions with smart exercise selection so that we are still recieving a training effect and not just ' gassing' ourselves for the euphoria of persieved physical exertion.

So, here is an example of a 20 min. training session:
1 hindu squats
2 alternating kettlebell bent over rows
3 punching bag
4 russian twists
5 jumprope
Here we have 5 exercises, done for 1 min. in a circuit fasion, 4 times through.
keeping in mind that the body (wants) to work as an unit we have a lower body exercise (pushing us away from the planet [jumping]), a pulling movement, a pushing movement a core movement and active rest.
This circuit allows for high volume multi -joint exercises which in turn increase hormonal output; raise the metabolic response; increase fat burning, hypertrophy, cardio-vascular adaptation, strength endurance, mental toughness and intestinal fortitude all without decreasing current strength levels.

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