Monday, January 9, 2012

been a while

its been awhile since i've written here, i've been sidetracked but its a new year so lets have a new start and see what happens.
i've just got in from a great end of year/begining of year tour, and while on tour i had meant to train. get stuck into my running and train with whatever nature provided.
but i didn't. i rested when i wasn't working. which meant very little rest, however, my body broke from its routine and recouperated a bit. it needed the layoff although it was only a 2 weeks. it was two weeks away from any real training protocals.
sometimes you just need a break.
in the past , at christmas, all the gym bunnies were looking for their new place to train for the christmas period. buying temporary memberships at various other gyms, while i always took the time off. i figured it was the only rest i was getting all year. this tour reminded me of that old habit. its good to rest sometimes.

1 comment:

  1. Rest is good. Unfortunately, I didn't quit resting after the heat of summer! Arg. Back at it now.
