Wednesday, June 20, 2012

loosing weight

How to lose weight

Eat less!
So simple its stupid right.
The question that most people seem to ask is, what can I eat as a substitute. Nothing!
For years now, the diet industry has been telling us eat more of this, more often to replace this or to make up for that.
The thing is, most of us already eat way too much, way too often. Me included.
Want to lose weight.
Eat less! If you’re not hungry, don’t eat.
Why are you eating if you’re not hungry.
These days there is no reason to preload food. You’re not going to starve if you don’t eat at set times of the day and lets face it, the world we live in has us eating breakfast, break, lunch, break, dinner, snack. And that last snack of the day you definitely don’t need. The last thing you need is going to bed on a full stomach.

Man, we are eating all of the time.

I know there’s a million excuses to eat most of them dealing with comfort issues. Hell, pissed off. Eat garbage, that’ll show ‘em (teach me a lesson). Sad, eat a zillion calories and drown in my misery. Bored, oh hell yes, now that’s a way to kill some time, I’m headed for my coffee coma right now.

If you’re not hungry, you don’t need to eat.
Look at what you’re eating. Is it healthy? Does it give anything too you, the body machine? If you take in more energy than required to support (x) mass then x will increase. Every time you eat you should look at what you’re about to eat and determine if it contains things essential to the machine. Vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals? Guess what, sugar and white flour don’t have any of those things. None.

How much are you eating. These days almost everyone is eating way more than they should per portion, per meal. I say this a lot and I mean it, if you can’t wrestle, sprint or swim after you eat, you ate too much. Food is fuel and building material. Like wood on the job site, if it sits around in your guts for ages it just rots. ( hate to say it and I don’t want to know but are you gassy all day?? That food is just rotting away in your guts giving you nothing but bad bacteria and IBS).

Have a good look at your portion sizes and then figure out what a portion should be and then start cutting back.

And guess what, despite what the industry says, you don’t need a thousand meals a day. You need to eat, but you’re not a cow, you don’t have to constantly chew on something.

Courage, it takes a lot to embark on change. Diet’s a four letter word but changing your eating habits is a worth while goal. Who cares about what the media says is acceptable, how long do you want to live and what do you want to be able to do while you’re busy living? Have courage and better your health, have courage and change your eating habits. And it does take courage.

Discipline, so much harder than courage. There’s always a reason to start tomorrow, there’s always a reason to not do it right now. But sometimes you have to just say, crap, its got to be done.

Hungry and nothing good to eat, do with out for a little while longer
Bad day and want to caress your loathing with sugar, go out and throw a log around instead.
Discipline, decide right now to do what you know you should.
Eat less, eat right, move more

Its hard, its not fair and everything is stacked against us, but start towards feeling better, and you will feel better by eating less. Less volume. More quality. Eat less food, look at what that food is going to give your body to work with.

Diet is a four letter word, and if you look at eating less as a new diet, well, it will work until you go back to your old way of eating. Don’t diet, eat less for ever. Don’t diet, Change your life habits. Live healthier, live longer, live more actively.

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