Rasllin' dear old 'granny would call it.
Wrestling is a sport. A great sport and there are as many variations as there are cultural divides.
But if we get away from 'sport' and just wrestle, like we did as kids, man, that's fantastic exercise. If you have some good friends you can work with, throw down some mats and get to it.
'you probably want better mats than this one'
You'll be working max strength, relative strength, repetitive strength, strength endurance, cardio, mental toughness, energy systems, mobility. Its all there (in wrestling) and it's fun. You'll be having a great time, boosting your testosterone naturally and developing a team ( team building).
Now I'm not advocating reenacting the best of WWF smack down or destroying your living room. You don't want to be doing pile drivers and figure four leg locks to your friends and sending them to the hospital ( i don't really know, maybe you do)
Set down a few ground rules of gentlemanly conduct. Around here we warm up then start out with some ground work. From there we do a series working (starting) from the knees and then graduate to standing (starts). We go from 1-3 min rounds, usually only 1 min. You'd be surprised how long a minute lasts.
Wrestling, with smart rules, is an awesome way to exercise. It can be recovery work, active rest or integrated into your program weekly.
One last note: a reminder really, We're just talking wrestling as exercise, not full out greco roman or mma.
pushing the boundaries of friendship a little far.
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