If you want to lose weight, you have to, you must, put effort into it.
You cannot make positive changes to your physique without effort. Effort means hard work, sweat, discomfort and self discipline.
100% of the people that I talk to about weight loss don't really want weight loss; what they want, but don't realize, is fat loss. Fat loss takes effort. Starve yourself and you'll lose weight. 90% of the people I talk to about weight loss need to build muscle; they just don't realize it and have a distorted view about what muscular development is (and does).
Most of the people who tell me that they don't want to lift weight because they " don't want to get bulky" are already carrying around a vast bulkiness.
( darlin' this ain't gonna happen to you no matter what jenny craig says)
If you want to improve your fitness, at any level or to any degree, you must first come to terms with the fact that you have to put effort into it. You have to work for it.
The harder you work, the more effort you put in, the better the results.
Invest in yourself with effort
The media, the infomercials, the infotainment television, the get thin quick schemes and scams are lying to you. 3 min a day, 10 min a day, 15 min a day will not give you magazine cover good looks.
20 minutes a day, 20 hard minutes, I can work with but that's a different article.
You have to move.
If you never restrict or manipulate calories again I don't care, but you have to move. No amount of exercise will overcome a donut and coffee diet but exercise is integral to HEALTH. You have to constantly work intelligently on your strength. You have to maintain your mobility throughout life, and you have to keep your heart pumping and the only way to do these things is with exercise.
However diet is integral to weight loss and fat loss.
Diet is such a four letter word and what we really mean is eating or lifestyle habits.
Hello, this is hunger, hunger this is ( your name here)
You must make friends with hunger. No, not starvation, just get comfortable with a less than full stomach. Learn the difference between hunger and desperation.
If you wait until those little hunger pangs start, then hit an exercise session ( 20 min hard yakka) fat will melt away (as long as you don't become a gorging beast right after) be mindful of your portions and nutrients. I mean really, you know there's zero nutrients in a mars bar.

We do things outside the box. We focus on performance. We are not the 'norm'. Take a look around . Do you want to be 'normal'
Don't spend time agonizing over the scales. Hell, throw them away or stash them under the kids bed. The best measure for how effective your slimming regime is, are your blue jeans. A tape measure on your waist gives you a quantifiable measurement and allows you to make (fixed) period adjustments, but how will your blue jeans fit really tells you how much effort you're putting in to your program.
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