the dead lift.
there's not another exercise more telling of manness. Brute, grinding, testosterone loaded, hard work, manness.
The deadlift demands a huge strength pool and gives a huge fitness carryover. It works everybit of the body hard, from the toes to the fingers.
It will add size, absolute strength, power and mental stability to those who conquer it.
It has application for every sporting endevour.
but, there's always a but.
It has to be used correctly for the goals you've set out.
It is punishing on the central nervous system. If done incorrectly there is a high injury risk. It requires a great degree of skill ( believe it or not).
variations and permutations.
there's a lot of different ways to do the deadlift;
of course there's the straight normal deadlift. then;
sumo deadlifts; double over hand grip; snatch grip; BTR; one hand; suitcase; odd object; rack pulls;

examples of permutations:
If you make 2 changes to your deadlift, you'll end up with 10 variations
just by changing your stance and your grip
thats enough to keep you busy for an entire career of lifting.
normal deadlift stance/opposing grip
normal deadlift stance/double overhand grip
normal deadlift stance/snatch grip
normal deadlift stance/curl grip
normal deadlift stance/one arm
normal deadlift stance/ suitcase
sumo stance/opposing grip
sumo stance/double overhand grip
sumo stance/snatch grip
sumo stance/curl grip
sumo stance/one arm
You simply need to adjust the other variables (load,sets,reps,rest) to match your current goals.
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