some of my favorite set rep schemes are 3x3, 5x5, 3x6 and 6x6 (deepending on my goals), but its also good to break out the extend reps from time to time also.
nothing hits the hams harder than 2 sets of 20 rep deadlifts.
the trick is, to keep the weights heavy. what ever i normally would do for about 10 reps i'd gut through 20. thats tuff, you still have to maintain tight technique.
nothing gets you reved up like w 20 rep squats. hikes up your metabolism, your homonal output, that means makes you strong and burns fat.
throw 20 rep squats into your program for one cycle and see how you go. don''t go into the gym thinking your going to do your normal squat routine . if you have anything left after 2 sets of 20 rep squats then you really didn't push your self.
a few options
1) on squat days just do 2 sets of 20 reps
2) break your squat days up into double splits. do your 20 reps squats in the morning and a second accessory workout in the evening
3) do one accessory lift then do 2 sets of 20 rep squats then do some core work.
ex. sand bag cleans 3x6
squats 2x20
hanging leg raise 6x6
20 rep squats should be the hardest thing you've ever done inside the gym.
if you can do 3 sets then you really didn't work as hard as you thought on the first two. I'm saying 2 sets, but theres no reason you can't do just one all out balls to the wall set and call that good. that set should have you laying down on the ground in a pool of sweat and drool for 15 min.

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