Zach even-esh ( http://www.getwrestlingstrength.com/ ) recently queried whether anyone watched his videos and learned from them or just watched and said 'that's great, now I'll go do everything I've always done'.
In the past when I've trained fighters I've definitely noticed the habit of never straying from the comfort zone. i used to pull my hair out at these "tough" guys who wouldn't do anything they weren't familiar with or was too hard.
Guess what. if you don't leave your comfort zone ( train like a beast Zach would say) then your not going to last against your opponent who does.
how fit are you going to be if your always looking for the easier way.
fitness, health, athleticism, strength, only comes from hard work. effort.
how hard you work is up too you, but you must invest in yourself with effort.

invest in yourself with effort
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