warming up before training heats the body up, gets the lungs ready to transport oxygen effeciently, and loosens up the muscles and joints so the can move fluidly.
here's a good warm up
bear crawls
each exercise is done for one minute
this beats the crap out of 15 minutes of pretend work on the exercycle where 97% of people are either reading a gossip rag or gossiping amoungst themselves. thats not much of a warm up really
this is such a good opening sequence why stop here.
this warmup can easily shift into a conditioning session
6 exercise done for one minute = 6 minutes.
do this balls out for 6 minutes and thats a great metabolic start to the day.
(balls out is an old engenering term)
pace yourself for a bit and do this for 2 rounds (circuits) and thats 12 minutes.
a short, effective session
1 more round and thats 18 minutes. your well into a training program.
just.one.more.round. and youve been going non stop for 24 minutes. if you can do this for 24 min. thats a good training/conditioning session. if you can manage this for another round then the first 4 rounds you didn't really push yourself.
do these 6 exercises,in circuit fashion, without a break between circuits and slowly begin to pick up your pace as you train the circuit (over time/sessions) and you will quickly begin getting into shape. you'll get stronger and your heart and lungs will get healthier and more efficient. you'll find that your flexability improves as well.

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