Sunday, April 22, 2012


I'm always looking for new (more difficult) ways of doing things.
normally at the gym we use bands; which ones we use are dictated by the users strength and goals for the session. but i figure, I've got this rope lying around I'm going to try something different.
now what I've come up with is pretty hard. toss the rope over the power bar and push down. KISS.
here's the nuts and bolts.
vary your reps and set ranges like you normally would (i.e. whatever you need to achieve your current goals)
you need a thick bar to throw the rope over. the thin bar is to small a fulcrum
adjust your hand grip every few reps left over right; right over left
if you do this exercise you can't help but get strong triceps and tendons. it will make everything across the shoulder girdle stronger. think kinetic chain.

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