I know I've said it before. Preaching away to the deaf and don't want to knows, but the simple truth is, there are no magic pills. If you're not eating at least four properly portioned meals a day then any supplements you choose to imbibe in just aren't going to help you.
This article is mainly about dieting, which is such an ugly word. Eating habits though, are what make or break looking good naked.

When I say properly portioned, I mean, portion sizes. I'm not getting our scales, calculator and food manuel every time I want to eat. Ain't gonna do it. Eat raw, when you can't eat raw, eat as fresh as you can. Don't give yourself salmonila because someone told you to eat raw food. A little sense goes a long way.
For most people, eat what you can eat comfortably 4-6 times a day.
look at what you eat and evaluate the nutritional properties. McDonalds doesn't have a nutritional item on the menu.
Do you put diesel into your gasoline engine?
How long did it last before the car died?
What happens when you don't keep the oil maintained or the transmission fluid?
What happens when you don't scrape out the rust and change the fuses?
The car dies.
One of the miracles of humanity is how long the machine can keep going under all the stress and abuse we put it through.
If you want your body to run like a ferrari, then you have to think about what you're putting in the engine.
Most, almost all, of the diet industry wonder pills don't work!!!!!
The producers of the pills are lying about what they can accomplish and they can have drastic side effects. The commersials and models of these products are lying to you.
Do yourself and your loved ones a big favour and stay away from any kind of magic beans.
If you have a personal trainer trying to push you onto pills, run away from her too. I've seen this going on. Disgusting. You're supposed to be a PT not a drug pusher.
I know everyone wants to look good naked, and to do this you have to learn to fill your body with nutrients from nature and you have to exercise.
If it comes in a box or a bag, it probably ain't good.
Great post. Too many people try to take the easy way out!