" I can't affort do die, it will wreck my image!"
so quoteth the legendery fitness guru, Jack Lalane. Not too many people deserve that title, guru, but Mr. Lalane is one of them.
Jack Lalane practiced what he preached until he was 96 years old, or young as he would undoubtly have put it.
check out these feets.
age 40 swam the entire length of the golden gate bridge, under water
age 41 swam the bay at alcatraz while handcuffed
age 60 repeated the alcatraz swim while tied to a boat
age 65 towed 65 boats while hand cuffed and shackled
aged 70 towed towed 70 row boats hand cuffed and shakled, under bad conditions for 1 mile
Mr Lalane maintained an active, fit lifestyle all of his adult life. It kept him physically well and mentally keen.
Many people live well into their 80s and 90s with deteriorating health and increasing dependancy but Jack kept himself hearty and whole untill he moved on to further adventures in other realms.
Isn't that a better way. Able to do as you please and rely upon yourself. To wake easy, sleep easy and feel great all of your days.
I reckon, we should be paying attention to Jack Lalanes lessons. Live longer, stronger, happier, healthier.
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